Friday, March 29, 2013

Buffalo Area Arrest Attorney

Scenario: You find a business card taped to your front door. . Printed on the front is the acronym "BPD", a detective's name and phone number. Handwritten on the back is: "Important. Please call." If you don't call an arrest lawyer immediately, you will have waited too long.
A  week later, someone calls you. The caller's ID is blocked. You answer the phone. It's the detective who left the business card on your door. He wants you to come down to the station, to talk. "When's a good time?" he asks,
What should you do?
Simply  write down the detective's name and telephone number. Then say, "My attorney will contact you." Say this even if you don't have an arrest lawyer.
Don't say anything else. Not even "Goodbye." Hang up the phone. Then, immediately contact an arrest attorney preferably a criminal defense attorney in the Buffalo area- preferably the best criminal defense lawyer you can find.
And if there is  next time, contact a lawyer as soon as you pick  the detective's business card from your door; don't wait until you get the phone call.
If you learn that the police want to question you or arrest you, contact J John Sebastian immediately. In the meantime, don't speak with the police; . When we meet, I will explain, fully why you should never ever speak with police or law enforcement.

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